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Writer's pictureCharity Greene

Pain is okay.

Pain is okay.

How did that statement make you feel? 





In our modern society we have countless things to distract us from or numb us to our pain. 

When we suffer emotional pain, we can turn Netflix on & numb out. By engaging our brain to a completely different life scenario, we suppress our response to the pain going on in our own life. 

When we take a Tylenol or Advil for a simple headache, we suppress the body’s ability to communicate with us.

The examples of mental & physical suppression of pain could go on & on, so stop here & examine yourself for areas you may participate in numbing the pain.

Okay, deep breath.

By setting up a pattern of numbing ourselves to pain, we lose the power that comes from listening to & learning from our pain.

When you feel physical pain, by listening to your body, you can do more than numb a single symptom. You can figure out the true source & cause. Perhaps you are getting headaches because you are dehydrated or at the beginning stages of a sinus infection. When you take a pill for your headache, you silence your body’s voice. 

When you feel emotional pain, by stopping to observe your feelings, you are able to address the cause and perhaps cycle of your emotions. Once you are able to identify how and why you’re feeling a particular way, then you can either work through the pain or acknowledge that you need help & support to work through it.

Am I saying that I never numb my pain? No. Sometimes I turn on Netflix after a stressful experience because I’m not ready to deal with what just happened. However, I do not stay in that place. I do not continually drown out the pain. At some point, I choose to deal with those stressors & feelings, and work THROUGH them. Not ignore or suppress them.

Pain is simply a tool that we can listen to in order to change & grow throughout our lives. 

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